Thursday, September 20, 2007


I just returned from a rejuvenating camping trip! I went north with friends; we were planning to tent camp but it rained all day, so we rented a cabin in the woods. We really relaxed and had a lot of fun. My friends hadn't met each other before and really enjoyed each others' company. We saw wild turkeys the first day, lots of birds, bugs, and lizards both days. The second day was beautiful and sunny. We swam in a spring and hiked to a lake and ate outdoors; we saw a young stag and took photos. I smell like woodsmoke! The leaves are turning and there were berries and butterflies and dragonflies galore...

1 comment:

Be Cause said...

So glad to hear about your camping. We went camping for two nights on the Olympic Peninsula about 15 miles from Bremerton on the Hood Canal in a Washington State Park.

It was great relaxing and reading. Our friend Rhea from Eugene came with us and most of Kate's family were there.

Then a few days ago, we went to see a concert out in the country as a "Solar Sunday" festival. On the way home, three turkeys ran across the road and as we passed them there were many other turkeys there on the side of the road. This is the first time, I think I ever saw wild turkeys.

Glad your trip was fun,


Journey of Man

Journey of Man
National Geographic Documentary on DNA trail of Human Migration